• Homemade Chorizo #2

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Fri Aug 30 11:37:19 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Homemade Chorizo #2
    Categories: Mexican, Sausages
    Yield: 1 Batch

    5 lb Pork shoulder (2.25 kg)
    5 Guajillo peppers
    4 Ancho peppers
    1 c White vinegar (250 ml)
    1 tb Achiote paste (annato) (15
    6 cl Garlic
    1 Bay leaf
    2 ts Ground black pepper (10 ml)
    1 tb Cumin (15 ml)
    1 tb Mexican oregano (15 ml)
    1/2 ts Coriander seeds (2 ml)
    1 ts Dried thyme
    5 Whole cloves
    4 Allspice berries
    3 tb Paprika (45 ml)
    2 tb Salt (30 ml)
    Sausage casings

    Remove stems and seeds from peppers, soak in hot water for
    30 minutes.

    Discard the soaking water and place the peppers, vinegar, achiote, and
    garlic in a blender and puree until smooth.

    Grind and combine the remaining herbs and spices.

    Cut up the pork into chunks that will fit through your grinder.

    Chill the chunks to almost frozen, and then grind through a coarse
    plate (8 mm).l To the ground pork add the spice mix and the blended
    chiles; combine well.

    return this mixture to the freezer for 30 minutes.

    Re-grind using a fine plate about 4.5 mm. Place this mixture in your
    fridge for 12 to 24 hours in a covered container so the flavours can

    Portion this mixture into freezer containers, it will freeze well for

    You can also stuff into casings if you desire.

    Recipe by Glen Powell

    Recipe FROM: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppNiF4jEqtY>

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)