• Re: Tatoo was: T.O.H. Da

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to Sean Dennis on Tue Sep 24 11:09:00 2024
    Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-

    Mine are all military service related. The anchor on my upper arm I got
    on December 6 1959 - the day before I was sworn in to Uncle Sam's Yacht Club abd sent off to Sandy Eggo for boot camp. The cartoonish shi ---\ gooney bird on the inside of my arm was applied as a graduation from
    boot training present to myself. And the redheaded woman on my left arm showed up the morning after I was discharged. I remember the third gin mill I went into but then things get hazy and I've no idea where I
    picked up the toots or what she cost me. But I had to make a trip to
    St. Louis (there were no tattoo parlours here in the early 60s) to get
    a bikini on her to cover her "attributes".

    When I was in the Armt stationed at Fort Sill, on the weekends, guys
    who wanted tattoo piled into my '79 Ford LTD and we barreled down to Wichita Falls, Texas (an hour? 90 minutes? drive; I don't remember
    now). All I asked was for gas money (gas was $1.01 back then) and
    money for me to get a meal to eat while I was waiting.

    I made a LOT of money doing that until I went TDY to Fort Hood.

    So you were an enabler. Bv)=

    We had a guy who got as tat during oue first "boot liberty". And it got infected. They sent him to sick bay and later gave him a summary court
    martial for "malingering".

    Although we always thought it was for damaging government property.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Battlefield FuFu (Chicken w/Peanut 8utter Sauce)
    Categories: Poultry, Nuts, Chilies
    Yield: 2 Servings

    1 Can boned chicken
    1 Can peanut butter
    2 tb Bvtter, oil or fat
    1 ts Soy sauce
    2 ds Tabasco
    3 tb Milk

    Ham slices or pork steaks may be substituted tor the
    boned chicken. No matter what you do to it though it is
    still Battlefield FuFu.

    Melt the butter or oil or fat and add the peanut butter.
    Stir until well blended . Add the milk and continue
    cooking until sauce is smooth. Now add the can of boned
    chicken, pulled apart, end the soya sauce and Tabasco.

    Continue cooking until hot and smooth This may be served
    over boiled rice or crumbled crackers or w/white bread.

    RECIPE FROM: The Charlie Ration Cookbook

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... The bird I want has eaten wild food and lived a wild life
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)