From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Thu Feb 2 19:39:00 2023

    Accessing Fidonet using Telegram, modest experimentation, and Q & A.

    A place to discuss accessing Fidonet using Telegram, Q & A as it
    pertains to Fidonet, and for modest experimentation.

    This echo is also available for your smartphone/tablet with Telegram.
    To begin, simply go to https://t.me/joinchat/SPBwvE1gkHzEKAkapsHkdQ
    OR.. Send the command %HELP to @Fido2telebot in Telegram.

    To find a suitable app for your device go to: https://telegram.org
    To peruse the majority of questions and answers pertaining to the
    the app and the server, go to: https://telegram.org/faq

    Please SIGN with your real name if requested.

    RULES: Be civil.

    MODerator August Abolins, 2:221/1.58

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: My Westcoast Point (1:153/757.21)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Tue Jan 2 08:19:00 2024

    [HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2024]

    Accessing Fidonet using Telegram, modest experimentation, and Q & A.

    A place to discuss accessing Fidonet using Telegram, Q & A as it
    pertains to Fidonet, and for modest experimentation.
    This echo is also available for your smartphone/tablet with Telegram.
    To begin, simply go to https://t.me/joinchat/SPBwvE1gkHzEKAkapsHkdQ
    OR.. Send the command %HELP to @Fido2telebot in Telegram.

    To find a suitable app for your device go to: https://telegram.org
    To peruse the majority of questions and answers pertaining
    to the the app and the server, go to: https://telegram.org/

    Please SIGN with your real name if requested.

    RULES: Be civil.

    MODerator August Abolins, 2:221/1.58

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: My Westcoast Point (1:153/757.21)
  • From Mickey@1:229/307 to August Abolins on Wed Oct 16 19:17:27 2024
    On 16 Oct 2024, August Abolins exclaimed the following...

    A place to discuss accessing Fidonet using Telegram, Q & A as it

    Why does it want my telephone number? The QR code doesn't seem to work.

    I installed it on my PC laptop. (for now anyway)

    Mick Manning
    @ Mick's Place

    ... There is an exception to every rule, except this one.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Mick's Place - centralontarioremote.net:2300 (1:229/307)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to Mickey on Thu Oct 17 09:00:00 2024
    Hello Mickey!

    ** On Wednesday 16.10.24 - 19:17, Mickey wrote to August Abolins:

    A place to discuss accessing Fidonet using Telegram, Q & A as it

    Why does it want my telephone number?

    Setting up an account with the Telegram app requires a phone
    number so that they can send an SMS with a 4-digit code to
    complete the registration. Technically, it does NOT need to be
    the phone number on your device (since Telegram can be
    installed on a desktop too) ..it just needs to be a number that
    accepts SMS on a device that you have access to.

    The QR code doesn't seem to work.

    I don't think I've ever seen a QR option, so, dunno about that.

    I installed it on my PC laptop. (for now anyway)

    I primarily use it on my a desktop too.

    See ya in the FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo for further dicussion. :D


    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: My Westcoast Point (1:153/757.21)