To: mark lewis, 1:3634/12
WARNing 2 of 4: This Echo is expiring, please Update.
TAGname: LS_ARRL Group: FIDO
TITLe: ham radio bulletins/news
Language: ENGLISH
bulletins and news from arrl & other sources
RULEs: {Not Found}
MODerator: mark lewis, 1:3634/12
VOLume: 20/month
ORIGIN: 1:3634/12
RESTrictions: /REAL
DISTribution: All Fidonet distribution paths
Reply-to: Waldo's Majik Fingers, 1:3634/12
From: Waldo's Majik Fingers, 1:3634/12
Updated on: 2020/04/21 and valid till 2020/10/31
Produced by Elist v5.2.006
-=:{ End of Report }:=-
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* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)