Please check whether it compiles in OS/2.
Hello All,
I've started using static code analysis for improving the code. At the moment I've applied the static analysis to huskylib and smapi and
pushed the results to the master branch. I tested compilation in
Windows using Visual Studio 2019 and in linux using gcc 10.2.1. Please check whether it compiles in OS/2.
I've started using static code analysis for improving the code.
At the moment I've applied the static analysis to huskylib and
smapi and pushed the results to the master branch. I tested
compilation in Windows using Visual Studio 2019 and in linux
using gcc 10.2.1. Please check whether it compiles in OS/2.
when you say master branch, where do you mean??
I got the following to compile:
but hpt did not
here is the output of wmake
Open Watcom Make Version 2.0beta1 Limited Availability
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See for details.
wcl386 -zq -bt=os2v2 -l=os2v2 -I..\h -I..\..\huskylib -I..\..\fidoconf -I..\..\smapi -I..\..\areafix -Fe=pktinfo.exe ..\src\pktinfo.c ..\src\dupe.c ..\src\pktread.c ..\src\fcommon.c ..\src\global.c ..\..\huskylib\make\huskywco.lib ..\..\fidoconf\make\fconfwco.lib ..\..\smapi\make\smapiwco.lib ..\..\areafix\make\afixwco.lib Error! E2028: gettimeofday_ is an
undefined reference file ..\..\huskylib\make\huskywco.lib(C:\home\src\husky\huskylib\src\tdelay .c): undefined symbol gettimeofday_
Error: Linker returned a bad status
Hello Michael!
15 Feb 21 18:26, you wrote to all:
Hello All,
I've started using static code analysis for improving the code. At
the moment I've applied the static analysis to huskylib and smapi
and pushed the results to the master branch. I tested compilation in
Windows using Visual Studio 2019 and in linux using gcc 10.2.1.
Please check whether it compiles in OS/2.
when you say master branch, where do you mean??
I got the following to compile:
I got the following to compile:
but hpt did not
here is the output of wmake
Open Watcom Make Version 2.0beta1 Limited Availability
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See for details.
wcl386 -zq -bt=os2v2 -l=os2v2 -I..\h -I..\..\huskylib -I..\..\fidoconf -I..\..\smapi -I..\..\areafix -Fe=pktinfo.exe ..\src\pktinfo.c ..\src\dupe.c ..\src\pktread.c ..\src\fcommon.c ..\src\global.c ..\..\huskylib\make\huskywco.lib ..\..\fidoconf\make\fconfwco.lib ..\..\smapi\make\smapiwco.lib ..\..\areafix\make\afixwco.lib Error! E2028: gettimeofday_ is an
undefined reference
I got the following to compile:
This is my fork.
Michael Dukelsky is working on the mainline Husky
repo. I haven't included his latest patches in my fork and would
prefer my Watcom patches be merged into the mainline Husky code which
will make my fork redundant.
This is my fork.
I did not pay attention to what was written after :-(
Michael Dukelsky is working on the mainline Husky
repo. I haven't included his latest patches in my fork and would
prefer my Watcom patches be merged into the mainline Husky code
which will make my fork redundant.
Please make pull requests, I'll merge them.
Looking at the above WMake version you're using an old snapshot of OW
This is the output of a recent version:
Evidently that function is missing in your old version of OW2.0, for
OS/2 targets at least. So you need to upgrade your copy of OW2.0.
Thought I'd pass along status and also importantly what it took to get
to this point
first, I was using what I thought was curren version of open-watcom from - found more recent version from github, applied
that got the exact same error - so uninstalled, reboot, re-install, re-compile, still got same error - had to uninstall, reboot, tried to delete c:\watcom folder and all subfolders - got error - turns out had
to unlock nmpbind.exe (in c:\watcom\binp) did that, deleted folder, rebooted, re-installed, rebooted, recompiled, this time everything compiled
I do hope who ever is working on open-watcom is reading this.. so they
can fix that problem
still not out of the woods yet though - now getting a different error
hpt toss scan pack
SMAPI ERROR: wrongly sized subfield occured!
any ideas?
Michael Dukelsky is working on the mainline Husky
repo. I haven't included his latest patches in my fork and would
prefer my Watcom patches be merged into the mainline Husky code
which will make my fork redundant.
Please make pull requests, I'll merge them.
OK, pull requests coming soon. Thank you.
I merged your pull requests for huskylib, smapi, fidoconf, areafix and hpt. Thank you for the good job.
It would be nice to add htick and maybe msged.
still not out of the woods yet though - now getting a different error
hpt toss scan pack
SMAPI ERROR: wrongly sized subfield occured!
On 2021-02-17 14:14:36, Michael Pierce (1:105/81) wrote to andrew
still not out of the woods yet though - now getting a different
hpt toss scan pack
SMAPI ERROR: wrongly sized subfield occured!
There's definitely NQR in the JAM code in the OW2.0 version on
I'm unfamiliar with the JAM format and don't really understand the
code there. The code in structrw.c is supposed to be portable, but evidently not.
The good news is OW2.0 HPT doesn't seem to be writing corrupt data,
since the MSVC port of HPT (from can still read JAMTEST:
And GoldED doesn't throw any errors reading it.
for some reason, I can not get hpt to "see" any sort of packets?
I have unzipped the packets in to inbound folder, and hpt does do
anything with them, even reduced it down to 1 packet. no error from hpt, nor in hpt.log, and tparser is worthless, it does not show any sort of error
I have hpt in c:\ele (elebbs) so my config is in there as well
I have tried with the \\ and on this config, it does complain when
using \\
There's definitely NQR in the JAM code in the OW2.0 version on Windows:
1 07:18:16 Start
1 07:18:16 Start scanning...
1 07:18:16 EchoTossLogFile not found -> Scanning all areas
1 07:18:16 Scanning area: jamtest
Assertion Failed: subfieldNext->Buffer <= (byte *)*subfield + subfield[0]->arraySize, function decode_subfield, file
../src/structrw.c, line 961. ABNORMAL TERMINATION
LogEchoToScreen On
I have hpt in c:\ele (elebbs) so my config is in there as well
I have tried with the \\ and on this config, it does complain
when using \\
\ is fine
LogEchoToScreen On
I have hpt in c:\ele (elebbs) so my config is in there as well
I have tried with the \\ and on this config, it does complain
when using \\
\ is fine
set levels to what you posted... it does not generate any error of any kind, I tried with msg format, nothing no errors, it just does not seem
to see the packet or open it.. this has also been re-produced by Rick Smith as well
so what else could be missing?
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