This message was originally addressed to ALAN BECK
and was forwarded to you by ALAN BECK
This is not me.
Hello Alan!
28 Jan 19 09:26, you wrote to all:
I have cleared the problem, the hard way, on d'bridge.
There is a database scanner that has an option to scan the areas and
spit an areas.bbs file.
I did that and it worked, I am using Golded now (obviously).
This is the best it gets.
What a waste of energy.
The following line in golded.cfg will do the job, provided that
R:\DB\ is where you keek your d'Bridge files.
AREAFILE DBridge R:\DB\ ; D'Bridge
--- Raspberry Fields forever
* Origin: ----> Golded - HPT - Binkd on RaspberryPi <---- (2:280/5003.6)