Hello Rick!
30 May 21 19:55, you wrote to All:
addressbook. if I hit enter while on the to: field it does bring up nodelist. Is there something I must have messed up? I am using the
exact configs that I used before the new install and same version of golded.
; @Key Alt-Key
; ^Key Ctrl-Key
; #Key Shift-Key
F10 EDITlookuporig
^F10 READdosshell
#F10 READlookupdest
@F10 READuserbase
This is default I have. Would that be possible that instead of shift/none, you are sending always ALT?
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: Plast DATA (2:423/39)