Hi Rick!
31 Mar 2020 22:44, from Rick Smith -> All:
Has anyone successfully imported a areas.bbs type file from mystic?
I never tried.
I do not use Mystic.
Is there a way to make golded send on msgpost like mystic does or does
it just send on program close?
When you save a message golded immediately saves it into the msgbase.
It is now your tossers job to detect it and send it out.
I run hpt periodically, and it sends out new messages while I still have my golded opened.
Finally, I have taglines turned on and it points at a .txt file in the expected directory, something Im missing?
I do not know, as I have not seen your config.
I have this in my golded.cfg
TAGLINE @/home/fido/ascii/taglines.txt
Stay healthy!
CU, Ricsi
... The Army is like the Boy Scouts without adult supervision.
--- GoldED+/LNX
* Origin: Why's it called tourist season if we can't shoot them? (2:310/31)