Hello Wilfred!
The actual site that triggered the captcha was https://
www.caranddriver.com/ ..to a specific article. It doesn't
seem to be doing that anymore right now. Maybe the
cookie system remembers me now.
I clicked around a bit, but can't trigger it either...
OK.. here's what I think has happened. I was reading a
newsletter that ultimately would steer me to a story/site.
But, before it did that, it would go through some intermediary
(for tracking purposes?) ..that's were the captcha would
appear, and THEN take me to the caranddriver article.
But I don't have the original newsletter with the initial
synopis of the stories and links anymore.
I'd swear that when I was poking around the caranddriver site,
the same press'n'hold showed up a couple more times.
Anyway.. it seems that the standard click-here-with-a-check-
mark type captchas can be fooled with automation. And this
"press'n'hold" strategy is away to foil that?
--- OpenXP 5.0.58
* Origin: A turtle that surfs the dark web. [o] A TORtoise (2:221/1.58)