Ping Reply Packets
Jay Harris@1:229/664 to
g00r00 on Sat May 14 18:32:45 2022
Heya Mr. g00r00,
I'm not sure if this is just a FastEcho thing, but it can't seem to process ping reply or traceroute packets generated from Mystic. I can get ping replies back from Synchronet & Husky systems and they seem to process ok.
Ping replies I get from Mystic generate this error in FastEcho:
+ 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE begin, FastEcho 1.46.1; TOSS
14 May 18:13:49 FSTE Processing 1 inbound packets, 556 bytes
* 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE 08BC5EE8.PKT from 21:3/110 to 21:3/110.2 (FEFE, T[...]
! 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE 08BC5EE8.PKT contains data beyond logical end of file
* 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE Archives: 0 NetMail: 1 Duplicate: 0 Bad: 0
* 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE Packets: 1 EchoMail: 0 Passthru: 0 CC: 0
* 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE Messages: 1 Exported: 0 Transit: 1 Empty: 0
* 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE Active 0:00:00 (Extern 0:00:00)
+ 14 May 18:13:49 FSTE end, FastEcho 1.46.1
Here is Mystic receiving an in transit ping:
----------------- MUTIL v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 Sat, May 14 2022 (loglevel 2)
+ May 14 18:13:27 Startup using mailin.ini
+ May 14 18:13:27 Process: Toss FDN/TIC Files
+ May 14 18:13:27 Waiting for BUSY nodes
+ May 14 18:13:27 Scanning Hatches
+ May 14 18:13:27 Results: 0 import, 0 toss, 0 hatch, 0 bad in 0.02s
+ May 14 18:13:27 Process: Importing EchoMail
+ May 14 18:13:27 Waiting for BUSY nodes
+ May 14 18:13:27 Importing D8FF6A80.PKT (21:3/110.2 to 21:3/110)
+ May 14 18:13:27 PING received from 21:3/110.2 to 21:1/100
+ May 14 18:13:27 Sending PING response to 21:3/110.2 via 21:3/110.2
+ May 14 18:13:27 Route (Jay Harris@21:3/110.2 to Ping@21:1/100) via 21:3/100
+ May 14 18:13:27 Bundling Messages
+ May 14 18:13:27 Results: 0 echo, 0 net, 0 dupes, 1 tossed in 0.23s
And then Mystic sending a response:
--------------------- POLL v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 Sat, May 14 2022 (loglevel 1) + 2022.05.14 18:13:47 Sending to all nodes of session type ALL
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:47 Queued 1 files (556 bytes) for 21:3/110.2
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:47 1-Polling 21:3/110.2 on slot 1 via BINKP
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:47 1-Connecting to on port 24554
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:47 Queued 1 files (565 bytes) for 21:3/100
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Using address
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Connected by IPV4 to
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-System Northern Realms/TG
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-SysOp Warpslide
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Location Binbrook, Ontario, Canada
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Mailer binkd/1.1a-112/Win32 binkp/1.1
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Sending: 08bc5ee8.pkt (556 bytes)
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Waiting for sent confirmation
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Sent: 00000002.out (556 bytes in 0.21s)
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:48 1-Session ended (1 sent, 0 rcvd, 0 skip)
+ 2022.05.14 18:13:52 Polled 2 systems
Not the biggest deal in the world, but just thought you may want to know.
... Take what you can use and let the rest go by.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
* Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)