• quick question

    From MRO@1:103/705 to Ed Vance on Wed May 22 15:55:07 2024
    Re: quick question
    By: Ed Vance to Digital Man on Wed May 22 2024 07:47 am

    So sorry to ask a question in the wrong echo
    It just proves again that I am not a Mr Know It All.

    Have no idea what conference it was where You posted earlier message where to help me.
    This phone doesn't allow saving msgs as a REAL computer would.
    Have to scribble notes and then can't find them
    Back to lurking mode

    you can use a text search. you can also reset your new msg pointers and do a new scan to find posts you missed.

    anyways, here's what i got from doing a text search:

    Rob, Iooked on the Synchro Wiki yesterday to refresh my memory about what the icons below a post mean.
    I remember what the ones that use the Greater than >
    Lesser than <
    Character mean.
    I just can't find my note the day You told me about all of them.
    That "chain link" looking icon still confuses me as to it's purpose.
    The Wiki results for icon didn't work out for me.
    What does that symbol do? Thanks!

    This is the wrong conference for Synchronet questions.

    You're asking an ecWeb question (the author is echicken), not a Synchronet question.

    digital man (rob)

    Re: quick question
    By: Ed Vance to Digital Man on Wed May 22 2024 07:47 am

    So sorry to ask a question in the wrong echo
    It just proves again that I am not a Mr Know It All.

    Have no idea what conference it was where You posted earlier message where to help me.
    This phone doesn't allow saving msgs as a REAL computer would.
    Have to scribble notes and then can't find them
    Back to lurking mode

    You asked about the ecWeb "forum" message reading inteface which has icons. Those icons have pop-up hover help. Using a computer, you'd hover your mouse over the icons to tell you what they do. On a phone, I don't know how you get that hover help to appear.

    digital man (rob)
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)