From Tiny@21:1/130.4 to Apam on Thu Jun 27 12:04:24 2019
Good morning,
Noticed this morning whenever I try to run a LUA script for the global
last callers, or oneliners script the BBS disconnects me. I disabled
the LUA script in the login stanza.
--- Blue Wave/386
* Origin: A Tiny slice o pi (21:1/130.4)
From apam@21:1/125 to Tiny on Fri Jun 28 12:04:49 2019
Good morning,
Noticed this morning whenever I try to run a LUA script for the
global last callers, or oneliners script the BBS disconnects me. I disabled the LUA script in the login stanza.
I've attempted to fix it now. Not sure if it will work or not..